God Glorified Outreach Activities


All are welcomed to join us daily from 12:00 Noon until 1:00 PM via Pastor's conference line (affectionately called PASTOR GRAYZ LINE: 1-605-475-6700, Access Code: 1198865#). 

Please send your requests to PastorGrayz.PRAYER@gmail.com.  These requests should be received by 11:30AM (Monday through Friday) will be included in the daily noonday prayer.  Those received after this time, will be included in the next days' prayer.  Let us be mindful of Pastor's request and desire as we intercede and agree during our times of prayer.

Also, please remember that Tuesdays and Thursdays are God Glorified fast days.  Fasting ends at 5:00PM.


Everyone is encouraged to attend Bible Study each Thursday promptly at 7:30PM until 9:15PM.

GOD GLORIFIED CAFE (Every 3rd Sunday)

Relax, keep your kitchen clean and let us cook for you!  To pre-order your dinner, please contact Lady Dorothy Gray at 202-253-0721.  Dinners will be served downstairs in the Fellowship Hall from 1:00PM - 4:00PM.